Урок-дискуссия по английскому языку в 10 классе
Тема: «Дом моей мечты».
Цель: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме.
- активизация лексики по теме «Вопрос вкуса»;
- активизация использования в речи грамматического материала: множественное число существительных;
- развитие умений работать в сотрудничестве, навыков самостоятельной работы; способности к рефлексии;
- формирование критического мышления через презентацию собственного мнения;
- формирование эстетической культуры, чувства прекрасного через организацию проектной деятельности учащихся.
Тип урока: урок развития речевых умений.
Форма урока: дискуссия с использованием проектной технологии
-раздаточный дидактический материал (тексты, речевые ситуации, карточки);
-ТСО: мультимедиа экран, презентации;
- CD плейер
Этап урока |
Содержание этапа |
примечания |
Warming-up |
T: Good afternoon, my dear. I hope today’s lesson will be very interesting and I want you to be active. The topic of our lesson is «The best house to live in». The aim of the lesson is to discuss some interesting problems, connected with houses and decoration, using the active vocabulary of the topic «A question of taste». We’ll train the grammar rule of making the plural form of the nouns. Besides the students are going to present their projects on the topic «The house of my dream».
Phonetically tasks |
T: First of all let’s revise some adjectives describing houses and decoration. The task is to find synonyms for the following words: old and valuable à antique antiquated à old-fashioned fashionable à modern convenient à comfortable depersonalized à impersonal slack à relaxing warm and comfortable à cozy having a certain style à stylish having taste à tasteful unusual à original efficient à practical splendid à luxurious T: Let’s pronounce them all together.
Задание представлено на интерактивной доске. Задача учащихся подобрать синонимы к словам. |
Speaking |
T: What can we describe by means of these adjectives? Try to find suitable words and describe something using them. eg. antique furniture , modern design, old-fashioned sofa, cozy room, impersonal room, stylish decoration (ornaments), original design, practical furniture, well-designed cupboard.
T: As we are going to speak about houses and decoration let’s do the «House» quiz to revise the active vocabulary on the topic. 1. What do you call……? a) a tall building which has a lot of people living there. b) a house which is not joined to any other houses. c) a house which is joined to other houses on either side. 2. Name something in the house which… a) can make a room warmer. b) you use when you wash up by hand. c) you use to keep your clothes 3. What do you call the thing which you..? a) try changing when a lamp doesn’t work. b) ring when you get to someone’s house. c) turn off when a bath is full of water. 4. What’s the difference between….? a) a fireplace and a chimney. b) a roof and a ceiling. c) a door and a front door. d) clear the table and lay the table. e) antique furniture and old-fashioned furniture. 5. Which adjectives could you use to describe…? a) a living room with an open fire. b) A bathroom with a Jacuzzi. c) Scandinavian furniture. d) a room in a five-star hotel. e) a hospital ward
T: The English say «My home is my castle». Why is it so? How do you understand this proverb? Can you dwell on it? I hope that your home is really a castle for each of you, where you feel cozy.
Задание представлено в виде викторины с вариантами ответов на интерактивной доске
1 учащийся высказывает свою точку зрения по данному вопросу. |
Grammar revision |
T: And now it’s time to revise our grammar material. Divide the nouns into 4 columns according to the rule of the plural form: Story child criterion fellow-worker Play goose datum passer-by Key woman crisis sister-in-law Page mouse analysis forget-me-not Name sheep medium man-of-war
T: Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns: Tea-butter-onions-meat Advice-knowledge-contents-progress Trousers-spectacles-scales-news Mice-men-goats-geese Water-potato-milk-bread Police-work-weather-furniture Phonetics-vacation-goods-information |
Задания на интерактивной доске.
Раздаточный материал. |
Listening |
T: I’d like you to listen to the text about houses in London and in many large cities. You are to listen and after all to answer the questions: Are houses really castles for people living in blocks of high-rise flats? What do psychologists think about such people? What do they suffer from?
Supplement 1 |
Speaking |
T: To sum up I can see that all of you would like to make your houses cosier, more comfortable. Of course it’s not very easy but I hope it’s possible. Now, I’d like you to think over, to suggest and comment (dwell) upon at least 10 ways in which you can make your rooms more comfortable. After a few minutes you will share your items on your list with the other members of your group. |
Работа в группах. |
Reading |
Групповая работа с текстом (jigsaw reading). T: Would you like to know about the living conditions of British students who study at Dollar Academy and Clayesmore College? Then I suggest you reading texts in groups. Jigsaw reading. So, every student is responsible for one part of the story and after having read them, each of you should deliver the main idea of it and some details to the rest of the group. The whole group is to be ready to discuss the story. Your time limit is two minutes to read, three minutes to exchange the information. So five minutes all in all to get ready for discussion. (используется такой прием организации групповой работы, как «Мозаика») Now Answer the questions: Dollar Academy 1. Where is it located? 2. What kind of young people does it produce? 3. What kind of superb facilities are there at the students’ disposal? 4. In what kind of sports and leisure activities are students encouraged to take part? 5. By what events has its international awareness been strengthened. Clayesmore School 1. What are the real opportunities for every individual? 2. What does the bonus of prep and senior schools mean? 3. What does boarding life resemble? 4. What are exciting activities in which students are involved? 5. What wonderful facilities are there at this college that greatly attracts students? T: So to sum up I want you to say whether you like all the conditions that the British students have at their disposal? Do you think it’s possible to do the same in our country, in our college?
Проводится только если у детей достаточно хорошая языковая подготовка, в противном случае время на все этапы урока не хватит.
Работа в группах. Раздаточный материал. Приложение 2.
Приложение 3. |
Speaking |
Презентация группового проекта «The House of my dream»
Презентация учащихся. Приложение 4. |
Round-up |
T: Thank you very much. You were very expressive. The project you’ve done is valuable and your issues are interesting indeed. I like you to answer my questions. 1. Was it difficult for you to do the project? 2. How long have you worked on it? 3. Where did you get the information? Youк marks for the lesson are… |
Home task |
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Данный урок является последним уроком в четверти, а на каникулы домашнее задание не задается. |