- Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about the system of education in Belarus?
Education is a form of learning, which helps to receive knowledge. Our country has a well-regarded educational system. Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus. Only 70 % of children attend kindergarten before they start school. Primary and basic secondary school education is compulsory. Children study at school for 9 years then they may either continue their education at schools. Any person can get the high-quality education according to their abilities.
- Does your school differ from other school you know?
I study at gymnasium. It offers excellent facilities, high teaching standards and a friendly atmosphere which helps achieving great academic results. Our gymnasium offers modern facilities for learning such as fully equipped laboratories for experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The pupils of our gymnasium have opportunity to travel across Belarus.
Pupils in our gymnasium must wear a school uniform, do homework, work hard during the lessons, and be on time for the lessons. It also has a lot of traditions. We celebrate them with great pleasure. This is the best gymnasium for me.
- Ask me what problems I had when I was a student?
- Did you like to study?
- What was your favourite lesson and why do you like it?
- What was the most difficult lesson for you? Why?
- How did you overcome the difficulties?
- You are talking with a British student. What would you advise him/ her to do to prepare for an exam well?
First of all every student should remember that all school-subjects are important and they must be payed much attention to. Students should do their homework correctly and try to get some extra information on this or those theme and subject; they also should learn all formulas and definitions hard.
- Today some young people want to study abroad because they believe that the level of education is higher there. Would you do the same?
Our country has a well-regarded educational system, professional teachers and fully equipped laboratories in every university and college. That’s why I would study in my country. I can only add that there are a lot of highly-educated scientists, artists, sportsmen in our country. They receive their education in our country. And a lot of foreign students come to Belarus to study there. Our education is valuable all over the world.