Приветствую Вас, Гость


Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и информатике.


  • Дидактические:
    • актуализация лексического материала (спецтерминология);
    • совершенствование навыков речи с опорой на образец;
    • анализ текста (поисковое чтение, выбор нужной информации);
    • мобилизация мыслительной деятельности учащихся.
  • Воспитательные:
    • формирование партнёрских отношений в коллективе на основе творческой инициативы и самостоятельной работы учащихся;
    • формирование коммуникативной культуры;
    • профилактика компьютерной зависимости;
    • формирование уважения и интереса к изучаемому языку;
    • воспитание культуры общения и потребности в практическом использовании языка в профессиональной сфере деятельности;
    • воспитание внимательности, усидчивости.
  • Развивающие:
    • развитие интереса к предмету;
    • расширение кругозора;
    • развитие логического мышления;
    • развитие языковых и познавательных способностей;
    • развитие навыков работы в коллективе;
    • развитие у учащихся способностей, умения ясно и кратко излагать свою мысль.
  1. Организационный

   Not so long ago we began to study a topic “Means of communication”. What means of communication do you know?


   What means of communication do you use more often?

   To continue our lesson I’d like to read a poem:

Мир виртуальная сетка окутала,

Судьбы связала, сплела, перепутала.

Сети электронной большое сплетение

Двинемся мы на его покорение.


What is the main idea of this poem? Do you agree with the author?



Индивидуальная работа

2 мин.

  1. разминка

   We live at the age of information technologies. Millions of people use computers at home and for work. Your future profession is also connected with computers.

   Rack your brains! Let’s do some exercises!

  • Who has computer at home?

The right hand up!

  • Who has the Internet at home?

The left hand up!

  • Hands down!
  • Who use computers every day?

Clap your hands!

  • Who use computers for games?

Step your feet!

  • Who use computers for study?

Step your feet!

  • If you listen to music at your computer, say YES!
  • Who has virtual friends?

Clap your hands!

  • Who visit chats and forums?

Step youк feet!

  • Who use e-mail?

Clap your hands!


Фронтальная работа

1 мин.

  1. Определение темы урока, основная часть урока

I hope you are ready for work . look at the board!

Now you can see some words at the board. I’ll give you definitions in Russian. Try to guess the word.


What do you think is the topic of our lesson? Right you are? We’ll speak about the Internet.



   Now, open your workbooks, please (page 3). There you’ll find a mind map. Write down all the words you remember when you hear the word “The Internet”. Do it yourself! You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

   Present  your results to the class.

   All of you use the Internet in everyday life. But do you know the history of it? Let’s remember the history of the Internet. Watch the film and pay attention to the main dates. After watching the film we will do the test.


The Internet has both bad and good sides. Now we read the text. One group finds out the advantages of using the Internet, and the other – disadvantages.

Text. The pros and cons of using the Internet.

Task 4

Present your information to the class.

Фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа в группах.



















3 мин., 17 мин.

  1. Moving activity

   Now, let’s have a rest. Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Look right/ left/ up and down. Make a circle with your eyes. Close your eyes and open your eyes.

Фронтальная работа

1 мин.

  1. рефлексия

   Let’s continue our lesson. One of the disadvantages of using the Internet is addiction. Are you addicted too?

 Let’s watch a film and your task will be to name signs of Internet addictions.

   Do the test and say if you have the Internet addiction.

 Интернет-зависимы ли вы?

Task 6

Этот тест нельзя назвать серьезным, но помните, что в каждой шутке есть доля шутки:)



Фронтальная работа,

Самостоятельная работа



7 мин.


   e-mail is one of the most wide-spread  Internet-services. People often use short variants of word combinations to save their time. Look at the board. Do you know any of them? What do they mean?


Работа у доски

4 мин.


   Write an e-mail message to me about the lesson, using the phrases given below.

  • What was new for you
  • What was the most interesting to you
  • What must be improved

Самостоятельная работа

4  мин.

  1. итоги

   What have we spoken about? I hope this lesson will help you to understand better your special subjects and learn English successfully.

(буклеты с полезными сайтами)

Фронтальная работа

2 мин.

  1. Дом. задание

   The majority of nonprofessional users do not have a sufficient level of English. But the need to use new English terms, and there is a wrong pronunciation  of English words. In such a way appear new words in our language. And some users talk their own language. Do you understand it?

   Your home task will be to match the words from different columns.




2 мин.

V�%70�_��� style='font-size:14.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman","serif"'>Работа в группах.



Групповая работа с текстом (jigsaw reading).

T: Would you like to know about the living conditions of British students who study at Dollar Academy and Clayesmore College? Then I suggest you reading texts in groups. Jigsaw reading. So, every student is responsible for one part of the story and after having read them, each of you should deliver the main idea of it and some details to the rest of the group. The whole group is to be ready to discuss the story. Your time limit is two minutes to read, three minutes to exchange the information. So five minutes all in all to get ready for discussion. (используется такой прием организации групповой работы, как «Мозаика»)

Now Answer the questions:

Dollar Academy

1.     Where is it located?

2.     What kind of young people does it produce?

3.     What kind of superb facilities are there at the students’ disposal?

4.     In what kind of sports and leisure activities are students encouraged to take part?

5.     By what events has its international awareness been strengthened.

Clayesmore School

1.     What are the real opportunities for every individual?

2.     What does the bonus of prep and senior schools mean?

3.     What does boarding life resemble?

4.     What are exciting activities in which students are involved?

5.     What wonderful facilities are there at this college that greatly attracts students?

T: So to sum up I want you to say whether you like all the conditions that the British students have at their disposal? Do you think it’s possible to do the same in our country, in our college?


Проводится только если у детей достаточно хорошая языковая подготовка, в противном случае время на все этапы урока не хватит.








Работа в группах.

Раздаточный материал.

Приложение 2.



Приложение 3.


Презентация группового проекта «The House of my dream»


Презентация учащихся.

Приложение 4.


T: Thank you very much. You were very expressive. The project you’ve done is valuable and your issues are interesting indeed. I like you to answer my questions.

1. Was it difficult for you to do the project?

2. How long have you worked on it?

3. Where did you get the information?

 Youк marks for the lesson are…


Home task


