Приветствую Вас, Гость


Ведущий. Hello, hello, to everybody! Glad to see you in our talk-club, today we have a lot of guests.Greet them please. Some of them are here and some of guests will come soon you will see them. The topic of our talk today is learning English. You will learn what you need if you want to be taught English. So we invite our first guest to our studio. Greet him please.

Входит Mr. Alphabet.
Alphabet. Hello, hello, to everybody! Pleased to meet you!                                          

Ведущий. Hello, sir! Who are you? Introduce yourself, please!        

Alphabet.   I'm Mr. English Alphabet. 1

Ведущий. OK, glad to see you. Why did you decide to come to our talk-club?

 Alphabet. A very surprising question, I think, because my role in learning English is very important.

Ведущий. What do you mean? Would you explain, please!

Alphabet. With great pleasure. For the first a question: can anybody start learning a language without knowing its alphabet? In my opinion it's impossible. You won't be able to read, to write. And to speak if you don't know the alphabet.

Ведущий. So, you think that you are very important.

Alphabet. Not only very important. I'm the basis of the language. And you know that even the dictionary is based on me. All words in it are in my order, according to my rules. And if you want to find a word in the dictionary you must, for the first, know me.

Ведущий. OK, you have persuaded us and we agree with you. Thank you very much. And now we greet our second guest. You are welcome!








Dictionary. Hello, happy to see you!

 Ведущий. Introduce yourself! Who are you?

Dictionary. Iam Mr. English-Russian and Russian-English Dictionary.

Ведущий. Thank you! We are ready to listen to you. Tell us please: do you think that you are very important in learning English too?
Dictionary. Naturally, without me you can do nothing in English, you won't be able to translate from                                                                                        one language in to another; you won't be able to understand any text. And...

Ведущий. OK, OK, we understand. Can I ask you one more question? Why do you think so?

Dictionary. I think, it's not surprising. The English language is the richest in the world. It has more than 500 000 words. That's why I'm so thick.

Ведущий. Is it difficult to find a word in the dictionary?

Dictionary. Oh, no! It's very easy, you only must know the alphabet. So you see, we (I mean Mr. Alphabet and I myself) depend on each other very much.

 Ведущий. It's very interesting to speak to you, but I must stop our talk, because it's time for advertising.









Ведущий. Now, we'll go on and we invite our next guest.

Входят Mi s s Phonetics и Miss Transcription.

Phonetics and Transcription. Hello, happy to be here!

 Ведущий. I see, you are together! Who are you?

Phonetics. I'm Miss Phonetics.                                                       

Transcription. And I'm Miss Transcription.

Ведущий. Are you always together?

Phonetics. Yes, because I teach how to pronounce the sounds...

Transcription. And I teach how to pronounce the words.

Ведущий. OK, for example, I have a word. What must I do to read it correctly? Phonetics. For the first you must know all the letters and how they sound. Transcription. And then you must put them together and read according to the rules.

 Ведущий. So, I see you are like twin sisters.

Phonetics and Transcription. Yes, everywhere we are together: in reading, speaking, singing...

Входит Miss English Song.

Song. Oh, I hear somebody is speaking about me. Maybe it's time for music and for a song. Music, please!













Ведущий. Thank you very much. But who are you?

Song. I'm Miss English Song. And this is my group «English song».

Ведущий. Pleased to see you here. But I can't understand at all how music and song can help us to learn English?

Song. I usually appear at the lessons when it's necessary for the children to relax and we make lessons more interesting and funny. And besides it English in the songs is the most beautiful language. It sounds like music.

Ведущий. So, in this case we ask you to be together with us till the end of our programme.

Song. With great pleasure!

Ведущий. And we invite our next guest.











Grammar. Hello, hello to everybody!                                       

Ведущий. Introduce yourself, please!

Grammar.   I'm Miss English Grammar the queen of English.

Ведущий. Oh, I'm puzzled more and more. Do you want to say that you are also very important in English?

Grammar. Yes, without me anybody can do nothing in English.

Ведущий. Are you sure?

Grammar. Yes, of course and you mustn't doubt.

Ведущий. I see, your hands are not empty. What do you have with you?

Grammar. Oh, these are my rules, here (1 пакет). And these are my exceptions.

Ведущий. But your bag with exceptions is much bigger than this one with rules.

Grammar. Yes, it's right. Time goes on, everything changes, but I don't want to change. I want to be the queen all the time. That's why my new rules become exceptions and that's why there are much more exceptions, than rules.

Ведущий. But how to remember all your rules and exceptions?

Grammar. I can't help you. The only way is to learn by heart and to practice them in my tests. I have a lot

of them, tests of different levels. I can show you!

Ведущий. Oh, no, no! We believe you and we see that you are very important in English.






Phrasal Verb. Hello, you didn't expect me, did you?

Ведущий. Who are you?

Phrasal Verb. I'm Mr. Phrasal Verb.                                              

Ведущий. But why do you behave in such a way?                      

Phrasal Verb. Because I'm out of all the rules.

 Ведущий. What do you want to say?

Phrasal Verb. I mean that I can change my prepositions and at this time I change myself. So. it's difficult to understand and more difficult to remember me.

Ведущий. And are you pleased with it?

 Phrasal Verb. And why not? It's a great pleasure for me!

Ведущий. So, I see you are a hooligan in some way!

 Phrasal Verb. Yes, and I'm happy, that I cause you many problems.

Ведущий. I think, you should be ashamed of your behaviour.

Phrasal Verb. I'm sorry but I can't change anything.

 Song. Stop, stop, stop! I think, it's time for the song.












Ведущий. Thanks a lot and we greet our next guest.


Social English. Pleased to meet you.                                                                             

Ведущий. Introduce yourself, please and tell us some words about you.

Social English. I'm Mr. Social English. I'm the real English language. People in the UK use me in their life. I have some special features that you must know.

Ведущий. What do you mean?

Social English. I mean that if you don't know me people in the UK won't understand you and is some moments you will be laughed at.

 Ведущий. Oh, it's a pity! So, to know Social English is also very important.

Social English. Without any doubt, especially for people who plan to visit the UK. If you don't want to be ridiculous or funny you must know me.

Ведущий. It's very interesting to speak to you but we must stop our conversation. It's time for advertising






Ведущий. Thank you! Now we meet our next guest.

Computer. Hello, hello!

 Ведущий. Oh, you look very impressive. Who are you?

Computer. I'm Mr. Computer.

Ведущий. And what for have you come to our party? We are speaking here about English.

Computer. I know, that's why I decided to visit you. Modern world can't exist without me. All the  information in science, sport, business is given through the computer. And English can be taught using computers.

Ведущий. And what information about learning English do you have?

Computer. I have all the information about the UK and London. I have all grammar material and all kinds of grammar tests. I have different texts for reading and listening and many other things. In general, I can say that ail these people are unnecessary. Learning English you can use only me.

Ведущий. Oh, with great pleasure. Come to our lessons, please!

Computer. Oh, no. I can't come. I'm very expensive and you must buy me for the first. It's only 800 $.

Ведущий. But, it's impossible for us now. Maybe in some time we'll have computers in all our classrooms. We'll ask head master about it. But at present to cope with all these things we must work only with the help of our teachers. Let's invite them to our studio.







Teacher. Hello. Dear friends. I'm very happy to be invited here.                  

Book. And I'm glad to meet you, because I'm always lying on the desk and waiting when the pupils open me.

Ведущий. Tell us something about you!


Book. I even have tongue-twister-challenges, songs, jokes and many other things.

Ведущий. And I see you have something with you. What's this?

Teacher. Oh, it's additional literature: books for reading, dictionaries, grammar tests, cassettes and so on.

Now, in our days one textbook is not enough for getting good knowledge.

Ведущий. So, listening to you I can make the conclusion: learning English is a very hard work. You must learn for the first the English alphabet and after that know well English phonetics and grammar. learn new words and social English and use different ways of learning English. But one thing is without doubt: we all need a good teacher.

 Song. I agree with you. A good song for our teacher!!!

