Приветствую Вас, Гость


Цели урока: образовательные: 1) закрепление материала по теме здоровье;

                                                              2) coздать условия для отработки навыков употребления фразового глагола to get;

                                                        3) расширить общий и филологический кругозор учащихся;

                        Развивающие: 1) создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков через монологическую и диалогическую речь;

                                                     2) создать условия для развития аналитических способностей;

                                                    3) создать условия для развития памяти и внимания;

                        Воспитательные: 1) способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в коллективе;

                                                          2) способствовать воспитанию потребности в здоровом образе жизни;

                                                     3) способствовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка


1.Org. moment

 Good morning, glad to see you.

2. Warming - up

Match the two parts of the proverbs (слайд 2):

  • Health is better than …                wealth.
  • Early to bed and early to rise …        makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  • Healthy mind in …        a healthy body.
  • An apple a day  …       keeps a doctor away.
  • He who has health has hope, …         and he who has hope has everything.
  • Eat with pleasure …               drink with measure.
  • A change of activity …              is the best rest.
  • What is food for one man …        is bitter poison to others.


Do you know any poems about health?

PS:        The best six doctors anywhere

              And no one can deny it

              Are sunshine, water, rest and air

              Exercise and diet.

              These six will gladly you attend

              If only you are willing,

              Your mind they’ll ease,

              Your will they’ll mend

              And charge you not a shilling.


2. Speaking































































































































































4. Grammar revision















5. Reading














6. Reflexion

As you know there are four main components of healthy lifestyle and today we are going to speak about these components. How do you think, what are they?(слайд 3)

PS:  - eating habits

  • Physical fitness
  • Good sleep
  • No to addictions


Do you agree with the saying: “You are what you eat.”

As you know food pyramid shows what products should we eat and in what proportions.

Food pyramid consists of 5 groups. Look at the pictures and name them (слайд 4):

PS: - Grains

  • Fruit and Vegetables
  • Oils
  • Diary products
  • Meat and bread


Now, let’s speak about these groups separately. The first group is “GRAINS”. What components does it contain and why should we eat them? (слайд 5)


P 1: Grains – bread, cereals. Rise, pasta. Eat at least 90 grams of whole grain bread and cereals, rice or pasta every day. Grains, breads and cereals give us vitamin И – vitamins which help turn the food we eat into energy that our bodies need to work, play and grow.


The next group is FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. What can you say about it? (СЛАЙД 6)


P2: Vegetables and fruit contain potatoes, cabbage, apples, oranges, berries. Vegetables provide vitamin A which helps us have healthy skin, and good eye-sight. Fruit give us vitamin C which helps our bodies heal and grow new cells. It is very important to eat at least 100-150 grams of fruit and the same amount of vegetables. You may choose from fresh and frozen as well as dried fruits, all kinds of fruit and vegetables are good for you.


Now let’s speak about FAT AND OILS. (слайд 7)


P3: Our body doesn’t need a lot of fat. Get most of your body fat sources from fish, nuts and vegetable oils. Eat less fats like butter, margarine and lard. Choose low-fat meat, chicken or turkey. Bake it or grill it.


And what about MEAT GROUP? (слайд 8)


P4: Meat, fish beans and nuts provide protein and iron which help build stronger muscles. Iron carries oxygen to all parts of our body, helps prevent infections, and also helps our body make more energy to get you through a busy day.


Who knows about DIARY PRODUCTS: (слайд 9)


P5: Diary products are milk, cheese, butter, eggs and yoghurt. Milk products are very important. They provide calcium which helps build strong bones and teeth. So, if you can have milk, yogurt and cheese every day, do it. But go for low fat milk. It’s better. Ice-cream is not very good for your health. The less ice-cream you eat, the better for you.


(слайд 10) Now let’s see if you can pick out which food belongs in each group. I will show you names of foods, and you need to pick which one does not belong to the group:

  1. Let’s start with Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group. Which one does not belong to the group:
    1. Whole wheat bread
    2. Brown rice
    3. Spaghetti
    4. Broccoli
  2. Now you can try the Vegetables. Which food does not belong to this group?
    1. Mashed potatoes
    2. Cauliflower
    3. Chocolate cake
    4. Corn
  3. Try the Fruit and Berries:
    1. Banana
    2. Strawberries
    3. Turkey
    4. Pineapple
  4. Next, try the Milk products:
    1. Mozzarella cheese
    2. French fries
    3. Chocolate milk
    4. Frozen yoghurt
  5. And the last group is Meat and Beans:
    1. Fried chicken
    2. Pork
    3. Potato chips
    4. Sausages


Should we eat only one kind of meal or our food should be well balanced?


PS: we should do different foods.


And now divide these foods into different categories(слайд 11) :

Diary products





“others” (fat and sugar)







Butter, sweets, pork, chicken, sour cream, cheese, eggs, ham, cucumber, carrots, yoghurt, cabbage, sausages, oil, beans, peas, bread, bananas, cereal, salmon, green pepper, tuna fish, pasta, apple, lettuce, potato, spaghetti, pear, strawberry, onion,

Orange, tomato, lemon, pineapple, cherry, grapes, beef, turkey, bacon, chocolate, rice.


Watch the film about school lunches and answer the question: What school lunch should consist of in you don’t have it at school canteen?


Now it’s high time to speak about your physical activity as one of the components of healthy lifestyle. (слайд 12)


P6: Regular physical activity is an important part of a healthy  lifestyle. It helps to prevent diseases and makes the quality of life better. Earlier life was very hard and humans used to hunt in order to survive and their body had a lot of physical exercise. They ate less and exercised more. Now people live well, much better and more easily. They don’t have to be strong to get their food as a result they hardly do any of physical exercise which is necessary to keep the body fit and healthy. People don’t choose their food carefully and easily get overweight. People should choose what they eat more carefully, eat a well-balanced diet and eat less fast food and they should do exercises. So, by doing just two simple things – eating properly and exercising regularly – you can live more happily than before.


The next component is good sleep. (слайд 13)


P7: Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep, important body functions and brain activity happens. Sleeping little can be harmful. You can look bad, feel bad and you work poorly. If you don’t sleep enough, you may find it is difficult to get along with your family and friends and get bad marks at school. Remember: a brain that is hungry for sleep will get it, even when you don’t expect it. When you do not enough sleep, you are more likely to have an accident or illness.


And the last component is addiction. (слайд 14)

What addictions can you name: 


PS: - smoking

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Sniffing glue or petrol
  • Computer games
  • Mobile phones and SMS
  • The Internet


Name 2 main kinds of addictions: (слайд 15)

PS: - physical

  • Psychological


How can we define physical addiction?


PS: - is when about a person’s body becomes dependent on something and wants more and more of whatever is to be able to feel OK.


What about psychological addiction?


PS: - is when someone wants something which will change their mood or feelings.


And now let’s speak about such addiction as smoking:


P8: There are many chemicals found in cigarettes. They are : nicotine, acetone, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide. These components are usually found in rat poison, insecticide and nail polisher remover. All these chemicals are breathed into the body while smoking a cigarette. Smoking influences different people in a different way. More than 40 diseases are associated with smoking; it increases the risk of cancer, bronchitis, heart diseases, etc.


And now do a grammar task. (слайд 16) . Put the right preposition into the gaps.

Prepositions: across, along, in, through, up, back

  1. I tried calling her mobile phone, but I couldn’t get _________.
  2. I’m going to take some work home because I haven’t managed to  get ------ it all today.
  3. I just couldn’t get  my message ______ at the meeting.
  4. Why don’t you two get _______? You’re always arguing.
  5. The train was held up so we didn’t get _____ home until midnight.
  6. Don’t lend him any money; you’ll never get ______.
  7. Her plane get  -------- at 2 a.m. our time.
  8. I get ________ late today because the train broke down.
  9. I  get ______ at seven o’clock on weekdays.
  10. How do you get _____ with your classmates?
  11. I tried to get  my point ___ but nobody seemed to care.
  12. My sister helped me to get _____ the exams.


And now let’s read the article about the oldest person in the US and say what his secret of long life was (p. 71 ex. 3 English 9  Лапицкая, Демченко) :

   The world’s oldest man, Walter Breuning, has died at the age of 114.

   He put his long life down to eating just two meals a day, working as long as he could, and always ready for change. He died of natural causes at a hospital in the USA.

   Walter Breuning was born on 21 September 1896. As a kid, Breuning had no electricity or running water – his mum had to bring water from an outside to give him a bath.

   In an interview shortly before his death, Breuning said he wasn’t afraid of dying. He also said: “Everybody says your mind is the most important thing about your body. Your mind and your body. You keep both busy … you’ll be here a long time.”

     And now answer what  his secret  of long life was.

PS: His secret was eating two times a day and working as long as he could.

In conclusion I’d like to sum up all information we have discussed (слайд 17) :

  • A healthy lifestyle is … (our choice).
  • Regular physical activity will … (help our body to be fit).
  • Get active … (increase energy and lower stress. Change how you look feel).
  • Eat well … (choose a variety of healthy foods every day. Have regular meals and snacks. Eat less junk food).
  • Feel good about … (yourself! Healthy bodies come in many shapes and sizes)


Thanks for your attention. Be healthy and wealthy. Good bye.  (слайд 18)